it services
for the environmental sector

supporting your needs and those of your customers

The environmental sector has always been a "heavy" user of technology. Whether it's pollution/resource management, or the development of cleaner technologies and products, IT systems are fundamental to the success of daily operations. The well integrated and strategic use of off-the-shelf cloud platforms can deliver seamless collaboration between all parties without the overhead of custom and laborious solutions. Exigence bases our solutions on the industry best practices and many years of experience.


The Environmental sector places unique demands on Technology. From around the clock access, to IT systems to mobility and data security. Exigence understands the environmental industry and have developed a simple and effective strategy for solving unique challenges of the sector. As your Managed IT services provider, we will ensure that your workforce has access to all tools they need when they need it.

We offer early morning support, proactive remediation of all issues and strategic IT guidance as required. We have hands-on expertise in supporting technologies that underpin your daily tasks.


Compliance with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Notifiable Data Breaches (NDB) has placed a greater emphasis on cybersecurity for the construction industry. Protecting your data and that of both your vendors and clients is now your responsibility. Exigence will take the responsibility for staying ahead of cyber-criminals and ensuring that your data is protected. We do this by proactively monitoring all of your systems for any nefarious activities. We employ Mobile Device Management (MDM) systems and conditional access policies to ensure that your data remains private.

Exigence has the skills and proven methodology to protect your business and your client's personal information. Using cost-effective approach, we align your systems with the Australian Signals Directorate’s 'Essential Eight' controls to ensure emphasis on Cybersecurity and Data Privacy.

Unfortunately, it's all too common to simply select IT providers based on simply ticking a set of boxes, e.g antivirus - yes, backups - yes, etc. and then looking at the price. The problem with this approach is that is provides a false sense of security. Our approach ensures that what we propose legitimately addresses all of your security and privacy issues.